Handle of a stately fly whisk, Baule ethnic group (Ivory Coast), famous for their art of carving, around 1900 (the beautiful patina testifies to its age), size 37 cm. The
sculpture is a cult and status symbol. It was owned by a notable and was only carried to public appearances. The
depiction of a bird of prey on a turtle comes from mythology and is only readable by those in the know. In the lower
area there is the face of an ancestor on both sides. According to the description of Miller's Africa Gallery, the piece comes from a well-known American collection. According to Dr. h.c. Honegger, a comparable piece is in a private collection in Zurich, see his publication ("Secretary", 2011). Accordingly, it served as an identifying mark for a royal advisor.
[hint: this is an automatic translation from German]
| Category: Kultgegenstände
| Material: Holz
| Country of origin:
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
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