Three very different publications. Left: the annual magazine "The Tortoise" of the Turtle Conservancy (origin: Ojai, California) with an average of around 160 pages, continuously available since its first publication in 2012, President and Chief Executive Officer Eric Goode. Always with excellent contributions from well-known scientists, artists and photographers, committed to the protection of endangered turtles worldwide. In the middle: paperback, 316 pages, the wise turtle Kurma and her secrets: calmness, slowness, steadfastness, versatility, contentment, peacefulness and concentration (remaining completely true to yourself), combined with many exercises. Right: The area of investigation for the dissertation (160 pages) is Lithuania, with only modest populations (nests there are now mainly destroyed by foxes, badgers and martens). The aim is to develop effective protection measures. The distribution area of the Emys orbicularis extends from the Iberian Atlantic coast to the Aral Sea (Kazakhstan), but it has largely disappeared in Central Europe - unfortunately also in Germany. In Austria there is still an intact, reproducing population in the Donau-Auen National Park. Despite commendable efforts, the real main enemy is and remains man. The very small populations are highly endangered despite being on the IUCN (Red List). The problem often remains the lack of willingness of many governments to act. World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is one of the most important environmental protection organizations worldwide, represented in over 80 countries. But in Europe alone there are conservation organizations in a number of countries that I know of, but it would take too long to name them here. Finally, some biological data on the European pond turtle: size 12 - 20 cm, weight 400 - 700 g, clutch of 9 - 15 eggs, hatching after 80 - 120 days, lifespan up to 100 years.
[hint: this is an automatic translation from German]
| Category: Non-fiction books
| Material: Papier
| Country of origin:
Bavaria, Germany
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